So, I am with child. This has kept me from you all. First-it was hush-hush. Then after our 1st sono we got over that. Pregnancy is so all consuming that I cannot fathom how to NOT talk about it 24/7. I am nauseous ALL day. Food sucks. I had a Chinese food craving but my last delivery was questionable so I'm over it. I love lemon and salads, danish and donuts. Ali is super excited and voting for a girl. Kai isn't quite sure what is going on, just that mama is tired and pretty rough looking. In a week when we cross over to the 12 week side I will fix my hair-I promise. I am so tired after working all week that I feel I might cry. There's been alot of sweats and T.V. time. I needed to catch up on True Blood anyway. My love to you all. We'll talk again soon. (I hope-the couch sounds pretty good right now)

and welcome back!! missed ya
LOVE the new pictures, but the sonogram picture blew me away (is that 3d?). CONGRATS!!!
Just stumbled across your fab blog. Love it!
love the belly :-)
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