Hello, You uploaded a photo that violates our Terms of Use, and this photo has been removed. Facebook does not allow photos that attack an individual or group, or that contain nudity, drug use, violence, or other violations of the Terms of Use. These policies are designed to ensure Facebook remains a safe, secure and trusted environment for all users, including the many children who use the site.
A) It's a fan page-not a regular profile.
B) The link to my fan page says 18+
C) I don't allow facebook users under the age of 18 to become fans.
I am going to post the pictures here-to preserve them. Thank you ladies..
FUCK YOU-if you are the loser that reported me. I was inspired by ~http://www.boobiethon.com/gallery/all/

Some people have nothing better to do than to tear another down. For the record, I think what you're doing is great and when I don't have Mommy boobs for a minute, maybe I'll send mine along to you too!
Facebook is full of a bunch of uptight undercover perverts who want the boobage to be removed because it gives them an unintended boner. So obvious it is run by men. Women wouldn't give a shit.
I had an issue with them a few months back when they stepped into a private IM chat about that Bruno movie and told us we were in "violation of terms"....when the fuck were there terms in a fucking IM chat?
Well good for you! Maybe I will send you some Renegade Boobs but only if you promise to make them your page profile. I like center stage. ;-)
Judy~mommy boobs are super! send them when you are ready.
RM1~They WHAT? Holy fucking surveillance?! A private chat? They send me an e-mail each time they remove a picture: Hello,
You uploaded a photo that violates our Terms of Use, and this photo has been removed. Facebook does not allow photos that attack an individual or group, or that contain nudity, drug use, violence, or other violations of the Terms of Use. These policies are designed to ensure Facebook remains a safe, secure and trusted environment for all users, including the many children who use the site.
I will make you the chest of the day if you send in you
your rack....I got cut off there
Love the pics! Yay to support breast cancer... :) F the loser that reported you. That sux.
When we finished talking about blog awards on Facebook I went to check my email and holy shit I had another blog award! I always take things that happen as signs, it's a weird thing I have done my entire life. It was definetly one of my signs so there was no other option, you were meant to have this award sooooooooooo, come on over and get it
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