I am honored to accept same & pass it along to 15 blogs I've stumbled across recently or been reminded of and made to smile.
Lady of the House at http://www.ieatmykidzsnacks.com/
La Coquette at http://blog.coquetterie.net/
Tina at http://talesfromtina.blogspot.com/
The women of http://www.mouthyhousewives.com/
Shannon at http://shannonsnuthouse.blogspot.com/
Meghan at http://amomtwoboys.com/
My good friend Rachel at http://thehappinessinheadstands.blogspot.com/
Shawn at http://backpackingdad.com/
Clueless Mama at http://www.guessingalltheway.com/
Sarah at http://fortyfivedegrees.blogspot.com/
My sister {in-law} at http://hilarymommyclark.blogspot.com/
Sarah at http://methemama.blogspot.com/
Dr. Sanity at http://drsanity.blogspot.com/
April at http://mommyhoodunscripted.blogspot.com/
Remember-there are rules~
Accept this award and post it on your blog. Include link back to the blog you received it from. Pass the award to fifteen blogs you have newly discovered and Be sure to contact them to let them know they have been awarded. Got it?
A special shout out to Renegade Moms-you rule.

you are awesome!
thank you SO much. :-)
Thank you so much! Does it come with cake?
I too will be expecting cake. :}
awe thanks so much for the award :)You are awesome!
Why, thank you! Glad my little ol' blog made you smile :)
And congrats to you on the award, too!
P.S. your header made me laugh!
Thank you so much for thinking of me and my site. You are very sweet. I really appreciate it.
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