Rockabye by Rebecca Woolf

Can you tell I am preggo with this list?

Are you the perfect mom? Is your house something out of Better Homes & Gardens? Do you make floral arrangements? Do you avoid swearing, yelling & s-e-x? Then this blog is NOT for you. If you are doing the best you can with what you have and can embrace your imperfections and share them with other moms-then this is the blog for you. As a mom of three, I have a lot to say. You may not agree with all of it but I assure you it will be entertaining and provocative.
Have you finished reading Rockabye? I've thought about buying it, but would like the to hear from someone who's actually read it.
All of the books you listed seem really interesting! There goes my Amazon stash!
Hugs and Mocha,
Yes, I finished them all. I would say buy it-its honest & refreshing.
Much Love~
Sounds like a great list of books. Although, I haven't read any of them. Good luck and congratulations on your pregnancy. Have a terrific Tuesday!
really cute blog. I enjoyed reading your last few posts and teared up when reading about the infertility stuff. really hard stuff. but...congrats on your preg. it will be the best thing in your life!
I read Sippy Cups and thought it hysterical. I've flipped through I Was a Really Good Mom too and have always wanted to pick it up but haven't yet.
First time to your blog, love it and I'll be back again!
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