I adore this book. This book will make you want to buy a BlackBerry. I can't wait until I am due for an upgrade. I love the format of this book the most. It is quite literally a diary. So when I go to my nightstand & pick it up after nights of ignoring said nightstand & book-I can just pick it up where I left off. Kathy's definitions & tags kill me. Blarching: the lurching, arching, and general squirming about that a toddler performs when being unjustly and involuntarily put into a stringent torture device known as the "car seat." Can also be activated by the common shopping cart. Reminds me of diaper changing these days. Kathy pokes fun at herself and others when she writes about a disabled network. Like the day Twitter and facebook stopped. The book compares the BlackBerry SmartPhone (aka BBSP) to a toddler. And lists entire professions that don't require a BBSP either. My favorite entry was Hide Away, My Good Man; theories as to why men disappear. Kathy's sarcasm & wit will make any mom (worth mentioning) laugh. She's sharing the thoughts that roll around in our heads. I look forward to going back to read Journey to the Darkside: Supermom Goes Home & The Secret Life of Supermom. Check out www.blackberrydiaries.blogspot.com ~Queen Crazy Mum of Insanityville
I haven't posted my review yet but I also enjoyed the book. =)
I love anything honest & real written by moms
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