How do other women do it? Not lose their temper? Not fail at keeping a clean house? Make healthy lunches? Do art & crafts? Do puzzles? Bake? Fuck...cook? Have a life of their own? Socialize? Not swear in front of their children? Shave their legs? Shave their beaver? Find time to get their hair/nails/toes did? Find time for their man? Or woman? I am feeling stretched too thin..... ~Queen Crazy Mum of Insanityville
I guess people like me are just really on top of things. There must just be something special about us...you know, the full package deal. Few people can carry out the level of things I accomplish without crack. LOL...just kidding...you know I don't do it all without crack! Nothing says "perfect woman, perfect mom" like a really good wake-and-bake session. Try it...you'll like it.
Like their beavers!!
Precisely. I'm goping to get some crack and a Brazilian today :).
Oops. i deleted my first comment. Went something like this: I'll bet my unshaved beaver that most women who appear to be doing it all are just really good at keeping up appearances and once you delve deeper there are many important things they're neglecting.
Hilary~ BEAVER is the word of the day
Thank you both for making me laugh
Due to my dank depressive life I missed this wonderful post. Apparently there are women who do all this?!? I say we track these bitches down and torture them until they spill their secrets, but then I would probably only make it to starting to track them down and realize we had found someone to watch the kids whilst torture would be performed and that means beer-thirty or whatever liquor of choice at the time is. I say lately I could dive into a bottomless vat so long as I don't have to be responsible mommy anytime soon! As for the shaven beaver, it gets it's attention when other things are neglected. Like cleaning stuff, or educating the children. You know. So either I am smooth beaver and legs or my kids know stuff. I have to admit I shave a lot. ;0)
I never have time for myself. I am majorly stressed out and have considered picking up smoking again to chill myself out. SHAVE???? I don't remember the last time I did that. I look like a hairy monkey! LOL. Swearing I never did till recently and my favorite word is FUCK! I am in a desperate need of a vacation soon! Thank God for your blogs, I know that I am not alone! :)
Karla~I have always admired your honesty. You come right out & say you yell at your kids & lose your temper. And yet I still regard you as one of the strongest women I "know" and you are a wonderful mother. Why don't we share this shit with each other more? What are we afraid of?
Jaime~I always say I am going to start smoking again to calm myself down. So far i have avoided the nastiness.
I love that you swear more & share my love for the "F" word.
Thank you-that is the whole point of the blog-to know you are not alone. That we as moms are all on this crazy roller coaster together:)
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