I am irritated. My boobs hurt. I am getting over a nasty bug that caused me to vomit for 2 days straight. My house is trashed. I woke up to 72 e-mails, 22 texts & 5 voice mails. I went into work & was greeted with; "Why are you here, you look like shit?" I have a stack of mail and Barnes & Noble sent my order-in 8 separate boxes?!
I have PMS and I'm proud. If men had PMS and subsequently-periods; they would have 2 weeks off (paid) each month. I still have a headache (since Sunday) and a few of my close friends are going through hell. I am venting and I am proud.
I feel old. I am questioning this whole "work" thing. I am questioning this whole "baby" thing.
My love to my fellow B*I*T*C*H*E*S.
~Queen Crazy Mum of Insanityville
i am so pms'ing right now and having a major bitchfit!! men wuld die as women women would cease to exist if men had to go through pms and periods let alone pregnancy and child birth
btw i am now inspired to right a blog talking about nothing but aunt flo
hahahaha...we could fill a whole blog FULL of hormones:)
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