I have trouble letting go. Not of people, but of their words. I hate that feeling when you come up with the perfect response, 2 hours later. Something witty, appropriate and right. I tend to replay conversations in my head...over...and over. Or plan them. Like if I ever talked to my "husband". I would not want to say much-just say it well. I would like to think I don't give a fuck what others think. But I don't like to be wrong. And I prefer to have the last word. I abhor looking stupid. And competitiveness has become a stronger force since going back to school. Why do we let petty comments & people get to us? Offer them free space in our heads? I am going to make a concentrated effort to not give a fuck. Or give less of a fuck. Whatever. I want bad-ass Heather back. Just because I am a mom and VP of the PTO does not mean I won;t kick your ass.
~Queen Crazy Mum of Insanityville
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